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How do the Apparitions occur?

The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin always occur after praying the rosary, during the last part of either the 7 Apostles' Creeds, a request made by Her for atheists and unbelievers to convert, so that God may increase our faith also, or during the last part of the prayer of 5 Hail Holy Queens, for the opening of hardened hearts.

It is always in the prayer of the 5th Apostles' Creed that Our Lady appears.  When everyone is praying the part:
"... was born of the Virgin Mary ...", is the moment in which the apparition occurs, or when praying the 5 Hail Holy Queens, in the last prayer, when it says: "... show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus ... ".

During the apparition, Our Lady prays the last two Apostles' Creeds and then transmits her message. It is always Our Lady who first greets her confidantes saying:
"Peace be with you!"

She blesses the objects that people bring and those whom the confidants place on the altar upon which She appears. Sometimes, She asks Edson to lift some of these objects and kindly kisses them or touches them with Her hands or sings with them and teaches them hymns and prayers, which are to be taught and prayed with the people. When it is not the Virgin, it is Jesus who sings with them, leaving them amazed to hear such a beautiful voice.

Indeed, in every gesture or act done during the apparitions, Our Lady wishes to educate us to live a holy life united with God.  Whether it is a hymn or a prayer, She always wants to lead us to Him and through her confidants she has demonstrated Her affection as a Mother, through her apparitions occurring in Itapiranga, in the past and now in Manaus or wherever they pray with the people.

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