Kaj o teh manifestacijah meni lokalni škof Carillo Gritti?
Škof Carillo Gritti se je 8. maja 2005 prvič odpravil v Itapirango, na kraj Marijinih prikazovanj, kjer je obhajal sveto mašo med romarji in pokazal zanimanje za dogodke. Tisto jutro je škof pred romarji rekel:
»Odrešitev Amazonije bo prišla iz Itacoatiare in lahko rečemo tudi iz Itapirange ... V teh petih letih, ki sem jih preživel v tej prelaturi, sem imel predhodno znanje o tem, kaj se dogaja tukaj na tej deželi, v teh letih sem se bolj poglobil , moj položaj se je začel oblikovati. Ali je možno, da bo od tod prišlo odrešenje za vso Amazonijo? Kdo ve? Začenjam verjeti, da ja. V Marijinem naročju najdemo Jezusa. Ob vznožju križa , najdemo Marijo ... in Ona je Kraljica miru, ki se je prikazala, ki se je tukaj razodela, kajti mir prihaja samo od Boga.«
Ali so lahko te besede škofa Carilla prerokba o novih časih, ki jih Bog želi podeliti prebivalcem Amazonije? Časi miru in milosti, ki se tako pogosto razkrivajo v sporočilih Device v Itapirangi? V nadaljevanju govora je izrekel naslednje besede, zaradi katerih še bolj razumemo pomen Marijine navzočnosti v Itapirangi in pravi motiv Njenih prikazovanj:
»Da bi prišlo do odrešenja, Bog izbere svoje poti in če je to njegova volja, bo tu nekega dne veliko svetišče in zarja odrešenja tudi za to deželo, želeno in nespoštovano deželo, deželo, za katero se delajo nečloveški projekti. in nič manj božansko, tako da Gospa, ki varuje gozd, postane središče sevanja, in zakaj ne, da odrešenje po Mariji seva od tod do Amazonije.«
Te besede so z veseljem napolnile srca romarjev, ki so čakali na novo zarjo miru in ljubezni v Amazoniji, kjer bo Gospa vsadila kraljestvo svojega Sina Jezusa sredi svojega ljudstva, ki ga ni pozabila. 6. avgusta 2005 se je po škofovem obisku na mestu prikazovanj Edsonu prikazala Devica zelo vesela in rekla:
"Dragi otroci, danes se moje Brezmadežno Srce veseli, ker se moji načrti za spreobrnjenje zdaj resnično uresničujejo, kot sem si želel. Bog je vesel odnosa sedanjega škofa (Carillo Gritti), ker ima odprto srce .Molite še več in tako se bodo Gospodove milosti v izobilju spustile v Amazonijo. Glejte, prosil sem Gospoda, naj močno ukrepa in vam podeli veliko milosti, in mi je uslišal. Ko bodo moji otroci poslušni in poslušajo moji pozivi, Gospod je velikodušen in zato se Njegov blagoslov in Njegova milost močno izlita na vas. Še naprej posredujem pred Njegovim prestolom za mir. Molite za mir! Ljubim vas in se vam zahvaljujem za molitve in žrtve, ki jih darujete Gospodu v teh dneh. Vsako vašo žrtev sprejemam in darujem Gospodu. Bog je vesel vseh vas."
* 31. januarja 2010 (praznik sv. Janeza Boska) je škof Carillo Gritti iz prelature Itacoatiara izdal dekret o čaščenju, ki daje prednost prikazovanju Device Marije, Kraljice rožnega venca in miru. Potem ko je pozorno preučil dogodke, dovoli romanja in javno čaščenje teh prikazovanj, ki so se zgodila v letih 1994 do 1998 v Itapirangi, znotraj Amazonije. Carillo pravi: »Namen tega odloka o čaščenju je spodbujati duhovno življenje Božjega ljudstva, ki je tukaj, da bi počastilo prikazovanja Gospe, zaradi česar je na tem mestu nastala ta pobožnost.« Od tega leta 2010 naprej bo škof ustanovil medicinsko in teološko komisijo, ki bo spremljala dogodke in zbirala vsa pričevanja in končne objektivne elemente za pravično in pravilno sodbo o prikazovanjih v Itapirangi, ki bo nudila varno in verodostojno osnovo za cerkev. 2. maja letos se bo praznovala 16. obletnica teh prikazovanj in pričakuje se veliko število romarjev iz mnogih krajev v Amazoniji.
Spodaj so edini veljavni dokumenti škofa Carilla Grittija o prikazovanjih Naše Gospe v Itapirangi:
Carillo Gritti
Since 1994, many Catholics have done pilgrimages to Itapiranga, in a place called “Sanctuary” to honor the Virgin Mary. These pilgrimages and religious gatherings yielded and are yielding many fruits of grace. Without falling into the temptation of sensationalism and of fanaticism, they are developing in the people of God a spirit of prayer and renewing and reinforcing the faith of the pilgrims.
After having carefully studied the events, I authorize these pilgrimages and the public worship, celebrated in the chapel or in the place of the Cross, to invoke Our Lady under the title of Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. Every manifestation of public worship, such as the Holy Mass, Confessions will be under the pastoral responsibility of the appointed priest.
This Decree of Worship, aims to encourage the spiritual life of the people of God that arrive here to honor the apparitions of Our Lady that gave origin to the devotion in this place.
Thus, after a first discernment done by a group of people that I have chosen, from this year, a Commission chosen and instituted by me, will continue to accompany and analyze the facts and events that took place and continue to take place, collecting all necessary medical and theological information, in addition to the testimonies and final objective elements for a just and objective judgment about the events that took place in Itapiranga and in this way offer a secure and credible base for the Church.
Itacoatiara, January 31, 2010
Dom Carillo Gritti
Prelate Bishop
Regarding Dom Carillo, for having crowned the image of the Virgin and consecrated his Prelature, together with his priests to the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace of Itapiranga, Edson received the following message from Our Lady on June 28, 2008:
"He is my Bishop. The bishop whom I have long prepared. He is very brave. What he did today no other Bishop of the Amazon had the merit of doing so, that is why his name will be remembered always for eternity. Now I can use my power as Mother and Queen and act strongly as I wished for the salvation of all my children. This Prelature now belongs to me in a special way, because it was delivered to me and here I will show the Amazons and the world the wonders of God, crushing the serpent's head in Itapiranga, when I said at the beginning of my apparitions that I had chosen it (Itapiranga) for the end times and that it would be a holy city. Here is where my great Shrine will be built, the Lord God will destroy all the treachery and pride of the infernal dragon and will make me triumph as Queen of the Amazon and the whole Church."
Carillo Gritti
2. maja 2010 sem na tem območju, znanem kot Sanctuary, v Itapirangi v Amazoniji, ob 10. uri zjutraj, med množico vernikov v pobožni molitvi in med pesmimi veselja, jaz, dom Carillo Gritti, škof prelat te prelature. Itacoatiara, položil prvi kamen tega novega svetišča v čast Gospe rožnega venca in miru, kjer je primerno za češčenje presvetega Srca Jezusa, Marije in Jožefa.
Podano v Itapirangi, 2. maja 2010
Dom Carillo Gritti
Škof Itacoatiara
Prelate Bishop
Rua Mons. Joaquim Pereira, N. 144 – Centro
Itacoatiara (Amazon) Brazil
Email: domcarillogritti@gmail.com
Itapiranga (Amazon) 1994, May 2nd, Our Lady manifests herself to EDSON GLAUBER COUTINHO.
A simple young man, with completed studies, already disposed to prayer in his own family by the mother, to whom Our Lady manifested herself first by speaking and only seeing the young man.
These manifestations, in which Our Lady liked to be called Queen of the Holy Rosary and of Peace, were progressing in a way that the young Edson, first seeing, then seeing and hearing, continued through 14 years so that currently it is only through messages that she manifests herself.
The young man, who belongs to a simple family, not needy, that has at heart an authentic attitude of prayer and have a particular devotion to Our Lady, I present as “sincere and devout” bearer of visions and messages worthy of being appreciated. By means of a Theological Commission that I instituted, we are appreciating the probable supernatural nature of the events and of the messages.
Being that, in the many manifestations, the Virgin has called for the devotion to the Three Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, on May 2nd of 2010, we launched the first stone of a new Sanctuary in honor of the Three Sacred Hearts, in the certainty that one day it will be a place of many pilgrimages. The conversions, that only God through the intercession of Mary can do, have so far been for me and for enlightened souls, enough and sufficient motive to see in these visions and messages God’s finger.
May God and Our Lady, together with her Most Chaste spouse Saint Joseph, accompany us in this road of
re-evangelization from this land of the Amazon.
Dom Carillo Gritti
Prelate Bishop of Itacoatiara