Hail Joseph!
Hail, Joseph, Son of David, just and chaste man, Wisdom is with you; blessed are you among all men and blessed is Jesus; the fruit of Mary, your faithful spouse. St. Joseph, worthy foster-Father and protector of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Church, pray for us sinners and obtain Divine Wisdom for us from God, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
(Prayer composed by St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort and reformulated by Jesus in the apparition of January 7, 2008)
Prikazovanje sv. Jožefa Edsonu Glauberju 29. marca 2002
Zjutraj, ko sem molil, se je prikazal sveti Jožef. Bil je zelo čeden in pokazal mi je svoje Najčistejše srce. Prikazal se je, ko sem molil (zgornjo) molitev (zdrav Jožef), ki sem jo že nekaj časa molil njemu na čast. Ko me je pogledal s toplim nasmehom, mi je dal naslednje sporočilo:
"Razširite to molitev po vsem svetu. S to molitvijo Bog želi, da bi bilo moje ime bolj znano in ljubljeno. Prav tako želi po njej podeliti veliko milosti tistim, ki me bodo z molitvijo počastili.
Tisti, ki bodo molili to molitev, bodo prejeli veliko milosti iz nebes. Po njej me bo pogosto klical ves svet in bom mogel po svojem ljubljenem in spoštljivem srcu podeliti veliko milosti grešnikom, ki potrebujejo božjo pomoč.
Pomembno je, da je ta molitev znana vsem. Naj doseže povsod, da bodo lahko vsi ljudje po njej uživali Božjo dobroto. To je njegova presveta volja, ki vam jo razkrivam prav zdaj."
S temi besedami me je sveti Jožef blagoslovil in iz svojega prečistega srca izlil veliko žarkov zlate svetlobe, ki so prišli do mene in prevzeli vse moje bitje ter v meni pustili veselje in nepopisen mir. Čutila sem, da me je Božja navzočnost prevzela in razumela sem veliko stvari, ki so se mi razodele v srcu o mojem prihodnjem življenju in mojem poslanstvu. Nisem vreden prejeti tako čudovitih milosti in globoko sem se zahvalil Bogu, da sem bil izbran, da vsemu svetu predstavim Prečisto Srce svetega Jožefa. Kdo sem jaz za to misijo? Nič, a želim si še naprej biti nič, da bi Bog zmogel vse!
Therefore, I understood that there are six different ways to honor the Heart of Saint Joseph:
The image of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, a request made at an apparition on December 25, 1996, where Jesus and Our Lady revealed to the world the Heart of St. Joseph. The original picture of the Three Sacred Hearts united is in the residence of the confidants in Manaus, and from this painting several copies are being spread in many places where devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph grows each time;
The Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, as requested by Jesus during the apparition on June 6, 1997, on the Feast of His Sacred Heart, according to the message received, where He communicated His will: "I wish the first Wednesday after the Feast of My Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be the Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph."
The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph, which now should be prayed with the prayer that Jesus (1/7/08) and St. Joseph (3/29/02) have asked us to pray, so that we are able to enjoy his intercession, begging his Most Holy and Mighty Name that makes all of hell tremble and disperses the demons, as Jesus revealed in an apparition.
The scapular of St. Joseph was revealed to Edson during two apparitions: the first on July 14, 2000, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Aylesford (England), in the same place where the Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Simon Stock, showing him the scapular; the second apparition took place on July 16, 2001, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Sciacca (AG, Sicily) Italy, on the 750th anniversary of the delivery of the Scapular to St. Simon by Our Lady. The scapular represents a sign of protection and devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph, who wants to lead us to God and to holiness, emphasizing his virtues of purity, obedience, silence and humility, and igniting the flame of faith and love for Jesus and the Blessed Virgin. St. Joseph will protect those wearing the scapular as his property and will bestow innumerable graces through his Most Chaste Heart upon those who will be tempted against purity and will protect them against the attacks by the devil and each evil spirit. Especially young people should wear this scapular, as they are most attacked by the devil. Parents should recommend it to their children to wear it, since St. Joseph offers his help and protection, as he guided and protected Jesus on earth.
The spreading of devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph, accompanied by good deeds of charity in favor of the most needy, especially of the sick and dying, as St. Joseph requested in his promises revealed in March, 1998.
The first Wednesdays of the month should be remembered as days of special graces where St. Joseph pours out torrents of extraordinary graces upon all those who appeal his intercession, honoring his Most Chaste Heart. Jesus himself promised that these faithful servants will enjoy great glory in Heaven which, on the other hand, will not be given to those who will not honor him as He asked.