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When COVID hit, Edson was no longer able to have his weekly public apparition.  At that time, we began connecting with Edson via Zoom every Saturday.  We were blessed to be a part of his apparition despite the distance.  Now we continue to meet every Monday night at 9 pm (Italy time).  Depending on the time change, it is usually 3 pm New York time.  This is an international prayer group.  We pray in Italian, English, Spanish, and Portuguese.  Please let us know if you would like to help us pray in the different languages.  

Zoom ID#: 895 6817 1921

Passcode: 555554


Vsak večer ob 21.00 (vzhodni čas) molimo žalosti in radosti svetega Jožefa, čemur sledi sveti rožni venec v angleščini.  

Za nočne molitve uporabljamo brezplačen konferenčni klic.  Aplikacijo lahko prenesete ali pokličete.

Brezplačni konferenčni klic

Klicna številka: (202) 926-1081

Dostopna koda: 798986

ID spletnega srečanja: 3sacredhearts

Pridružite se lahko na spletu:


Poiščite svojo lokalno številko:


 Imate težave pri povezovanju?

 Pošljite sporočilo »Pokliči me« na

(202) 926-1081 za povratni klic; nato pokličite 798986, da se pridružite srečanju.


Morda bodo veljale standardne tarife za pošiljanje sporočil.


We will be having an in-person Cenacle group in South New Jersey coming soon.


Let us know if you would like to start your own in-person Cenacle group.

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