The Scapular of Saint Joseph
V Aylesfordu v Angliji se je svetemu Simonu Stocku prikazala Gospa, ko je goreče prosil karmelsko Mater za njeno varstvo in recitiral čudovito molitev, ki jo je sestavil: "Roža Karmela, rodovitna trta, sijaj nebes, rodovitna in edinstvena Devica, O dobrotljiva Mati, brez poznavanja človeka, privilegij karmeličank, Zvezda morja!" Po tej molitvi dvigne oči, polne solz, vidi, da se celica nenadoma napolni s svetlobo. Obkrožena z angeli se je v veliki procesiji prikazala blažena Devica, oblečena v sijaj, v rokah s Škapularjem in z neizrekljivo materinsko nežnostjo rekla sv. razločevalno znamenje in znamenje privilegija, ki sem ga pridobil zate in za vse karmelske otroke; je znamenje odrešenja, zaščita v nevarnosti, zaveza miru in večna zaščita. Kdor umre z njim oblečen, bo obvarovan pred večnim ognjem."
Ta posebna milost se je takoj razširila v krajih, kjer so bili ustanovljeni karmeličani, in potrjena z mnogimi čudeži, ki so se zgodili povsod in umolknili nasprotnike bratov Presvete Device z gore Karmel. Sveti Simon Stock je dosegel skrajno starost in najvišjo svetost, delal neštete čudeže, pridobil je tudi dar jezikov; je bil od Boga poklican v nebeški dom 16. maja 1265. Gospa se je vrnila v nebesa in škapulir je ostal kot Marijino znamenje. Ob zadnjem prikazovanju v Fatimi Gospa prinese škapulir in pride s svetim Jožefom in malim Jezusom, da bi blagoslovila svet.
On July 14, 2000, Edson visited Aylesford with a friend of his, Marina Hodking, who lives in São Paulo. This happened when his friend visited Italy in July. Edson was at this time in Brescia, at the house of his friends. Marina, before going to England, invited Edson to come with her. He stayed two weeks in England in order to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
In England, Edson had some apparitions of Our Lady, Jesus and St. Joseph, they spoke about the devotion of the Three Hearts and about very sad future events in this country.
V Aylesfordu, ko je bil Edson v svetišču Marije Karmelske, je s prijateljem obiskal kapelo svetega Jožefa. V tej kapeli je imel prikazanje svete družine. To prikazovanje je pritegnilo Edsonovo veliko pozornost: Gospa je v spremstvu Deteta Jezusa in svetega Jožefa držala v rokah škapulir, vendar ne škapulir karmelskega reda, temveč drug škapulir bele barve, kjer je Edson razločil pa tri srca. Ko je bilo prikazovanja konec, je Edson svoji prijateljici Marini omenil, kaj se je zgodilo in kaj je videl, in je bil zelo zamišljen glede te vizije, saj še vedno ni povsem razumel prošnje treh Src.
Že v Londonu, ko je šel k obhajanju svete maše, je dobil Božje razodetje, ki mu je v videnju pokazalo tri srca Jezusa, Marije in Jožefa, ki so se združila v eno srce. To videnje se je ponovilo trikrat, da bi naredilo vtis v njegovem umu in ga ne bi pozabil, ne da bi imel niti najmanjšo senco dvoma o nedeljivi enosti src Jezusa, Marije in Jožefa. »S preučevanjem narave zakonske zveze, ne glede na to, ali sveti Avguštin ali sveti Tomaž Akvinski nenehno postavljata v 'nedeljivo zvezo duš', v 'zvezo src' in v soglasju; te elemente, ki v tem poroke, so se zgodile na zgleden način. V vrhuncu zgodovine odrešenja, ko je Bog razodel svojo ljubezen do človeštva z darom Besede, je bila prav poroka Marije in Jožefa, v kateri je trajalo s polno »svobodo« postavite »zakonski dar samega sebe«, ki sprejema in izraža takšno ljubezen.« (Janez Pavel II. Enciklika Redemptoris Custos, 15.8.89)
16. julija 2001 je bil Edson v mestu Sciacca, provinca Agrigento - Sicilija, Italija, kjer je obiskal tam ustanovljeno skupino mladih. Popoldne po molitvi rožnega venca in pričevanju v cerkvi Fatimske Matere rožnega venca bratov kapucinov je imel prikazanje svete družine pred navzočimi ljudmi.
In this apparition, Our Lady gave him a message and then said: "Pay close attention to what I am about to show you. As you have seen, have a scapular made. This will be the scapular of St. Joseph. My son Jesus and I wish that all use it with faith and love, deeply honoring my spouse Joseph as he deserves. Whoever wears it will receive the protection of God through his Most Chaste Heart and his protective cloak, as well as many graces from Heaven necessary for salvation and sanctification. " Edson saw appear over the Holy Family the writing in golden color: "Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph" and on the bottom: Be the guardian of our family!"
Soon the vision disappeared giving room to the three illuminated and radiant Hearts. From the Heart of Jesus came two rays that were directed to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and from them rays that were going to the world. Above the Hearts appeared written in golden color: "Jesus, Mary, Joseph" and below them: "I love you, save souls!" ... Soon after this vision, Our Lady reappeared with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph. The three blessed together the people present and disappeared in the brightness of the beautiful light that enveloped them. Edson did not know that on the day this apparition occurred, it was the commemoration of the 750th anniversary of the delivery of the Scapular by Our Lady to St. Simon Stock at the Carmelite Order and in the Church all over the world. It was a very special day for the Carmelites, a great event in the Order of Carmel and the day when Jesus and Our Lady asked for the scapular of St. Joseph to the Church and the World as a special protection for all the families of the whole world.
In order to receive the scapular of St. Joseph it is necessary to pray the Holy Cloak of St. Joseph for thirty consecutive days in memory of the thirty years of life lived by St. Joseph with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You must confess and participate in Holy Mass. The Celebration of the Imposition of the Scapular takes place on the feast day of Saint Joseph on March 19 or on the Feast of his Most Chaste Heart, the Wednesday after the Feast of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, or on every first Wednesday of the month.
The priest with outstretched arms pronounces this prayer of blessing:
O God, Author and source of all holiness, who calls the fullness of the Christian life and the perfection of charity those whom you have made to be born of the water and the Holy Spirit. Look with benevolence on those who are to devoutly receive the Scapular of St. Joseph, who will diligently carry it as a sign of their offering to the Most Chaste and Virginal Heart of St. Joseph. Let them be loved and guided by St. Joseph and, imitating his virtues, and perfections, be protected from the assaults of the devil, be strengthened in faith and love for the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and obtain the grace to reach the perfection of love and perfect holiness as he lived for glory of the Holy Trinity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Follow the sprinkling with holy water.
The priest then places the scapular on each of the faithful:
Receive this scapular, a sign of the protective Cloak of St. Joseph: may his Most Chaste and Virginal Heart protect you against all evil and danger; protect you in holy purity of soul and body and grant you all Divine Grace in time and in eternity. Amen!
Priest: Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph! Faithful: Be the guardian of our family!
Priest: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you! Faithful: Save souls!
If necessary, the priest may say once to all, aloud, the formula of imposition of the Scapular. All respond together: Amen. And they approach the priest to receive the scapular.